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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here, you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about my services at SMART & PRO. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'll be happy to assist you.

  • What is the role of an AI Manager at SMART &PRO?
    As your personal AI Manager at SMART &PRO, I accompany you on your technological journey. Whether you lead a large company or a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), my goal is to explore the potential of artificial intelligence for your business and assist in its implementation.
  • What areas of business management does the AI Manager cover?
    As an AI Manager, I have comprehensive experience in various business areas. I evaluate the use of AI from value chain optimization to operational, sales, logistics, and production planning. Additionally, AI can revolutionize quality assurance and service.
  • How does the AI Manager develop concepts for AI integration?
    My task as an AI Manager is to develop customized concepts for the use of AI in the modern work environment. Together, we work on creating practical and applicable solutions that fit your work environment and objectives.
  • What role does the AI Manager play in the implementation of AI strategies?
    As an AI Manager, I take on the planning and supervision of the implementation of AI strategies in companies. I ensure that the process runs smoothly and guide your employees in effectively using the new AI applications.
  • Why should I choose SMART &PRO as a partner for AI management?
    SMART &PRO offers you more than just AI management: it is my commitment to accompany you on the path to your business success. With my experience in artificial intelligence and my passion for innovation, I am by your side and help you steer your company towards an era of efficiency and competitiveness. Together, we make AI your strategic advantage for sustainable growth.
  • What is artificial intelligence, and how can it help my company?
    Artificial intelligence is a technology that allows machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. It can help your company develop more efficient processes, make data-driven decisions, and create innovative solutions.
  • What AI applications does SMART &PRO specifically offer for businesses?
    SMART &PRO offers various AI applications, including ChatGPT, a powerful natural language processing AI, and Llama2 from META, an advanced platform for developing Microsoft applications.
  • How can the implementation of AI in my company take place?
    The implementation of AI occurs in several steps. First, I analyze your business processes and identify areas where AI can be most effectively utilized. Then, I develop customized solutions and train your employees to make optimal use of the technologies.
  • How can AI improve marketing and customer service?
    With AI-powered solutions, you can conduct personalized marketing campaigns, analyze customer behavior, and provide effective customer support around the clock.
  • What are the benefits of training my employees in AI?
    Training your employees allows you to make optimal use of AI technologies, save time, increase productivity, and make informed decisions. AI is the future.
  • Is AI safe for use in my company?
    Yes, the AI applications offered by SMART &PRO are safe and developed according to the latest security standards. SMART &PRO ensures the proper protection of your data and processes.
  • How can I avail of SMART &PRO's AI services?
    Simply contact me through the contact form on my website, and we will be happy to schedule a consultation to discuss your requirements and develop a customized solution for your company.
  • What are the costs for implementing AI in my company?
    The costs vary depending on the specific requirements and scope of the project. Contact me to receive a customized quote.
  • How long does it typically take for AI solutions to be ready for use in my company?
    The implementation time depends on the complexity of the project. However, I always strive to introduce the solutions as quickly as possible without compromising on quality.
  • Do I need prior knowledge in AI to participate in these workshops?
    My workshops are designed to be suitable for various levels of expertise, from beginners to advanced participants. I tailor the content to ensure that every participant derives significant value from it.
  • How long do the workshops last?
    The duration varies depending on the topic and format. Typically, my workshops range from one hour to half a day or even up to two full days.
  • Do I offer the workshops online, in-person, or in both formats?
    I offer both options. My workshops can be entirely online, in-person, or in a hybrid format, depending on the needs and preferences of the participants.
  • How is interaction and practical learning ensured in an online format?
    I use a variety of interactive tools and teaching techniques, such as group work, simulations, and hands-on exercises, to ensure a dynamic and participatory learning experience.
  • Will certificates of participation be issued upon completing the workshop?
    Yes, I provide certificates of participation that confirm attendance and the knowledge gained in the workshop. However, certificates are only generated upon completing a course.
  • What types of companies can benefit from these workshops?
    Any company interested in exploring or expanding the use of AI can benefit, regardless of its size or industry.
  • Are the workshops tailored to different industries?
    Yes, I customize the content to address the specific challenges and opportunities of various industries.
  • Who conducts the workshops?
    The workshops are led by me, as an AI expert and AI manager with practical experience in implementing AI solutions in various business environments.
  • How can the workshops help implement AI projects in my company?
    My workshops provide practical knowledge, implementation strategies, and examples of successful cases that can be directly applied in your company.
  • Is there post-workshop follow-up or support available?
    I offer various post-workshop support options, including consultations and ongoing assistance to ensure the successful application of what was learned in the workshops.
  • What are the featured courses offered by SMART & PRO?
    I offer a variety of training and courses for you. Some of my featured courses include:
    - Excel Courses: My Excel courses are designed to help you master this powerful spreadsheet software. You will learn everything from the basics to advanced Excel functions, enabling you to work more efficiently and perform effective data analysis.
    - Google Ads Courses: If you're interested in digital marketing, my Google Ads courses will teach you how to create and manage effective advertising campaigns on the Google platform. You'll learn how to segment audiences, select keywords, and optimize your ads for successful results.
    - Business Professional Courses: My courses for business professionals are especially suitable for beginners and individuals taking on new responsibilities in the office. I offer specialized knowledge in areas such as:
    - Accounting
    - Control
    - Finance
    Sales strategies, logistics, import and export, as well as other relevant business topics.
    - Microsoft 365 Courses: Microsoft 365 is a widely used productivity suite in corporate environments. My Microsoft 365 courses will help you better understand tools like Excel, Access, Forms, Word, PowerPoint, and Teams so you can make the most of them in your daily work.
  • How long do the courses last?
    The duration of my courses can vary depending on the topic and depth of coverage. I offer intensive courses that can last several days and longer courses that span several weeks. Since the courses are tailored based on the specific needs and prior experience of the client, there is no predefined course duration.
  • How can I enroll in a course at SMART & PRO?
    Enrolling in one of my courses is simple. You can use my contact form and select the category "Training and Courses." Once I receive your request, I will get in touch with you to discuss your needs and provide more details about the course or training.
  • Is a certificate issued at the end of a course?
    Yes, upon successfully completing one of my courses or training sessions, you will receive a SMART & PRO certificate of completion. These certificates can serve as tangible evidence of the skills and knowledge you gained during the course.
  • Are SMART & PRO courses also available online?
    Yes, I understand the importance of flexibility and convenience in learning. Therefore, I offer both in-person and online courses. You have the option to take the course or training with me via Microsoft Teams.
  • What are the costs of courses and training at SMART & PRO?
    The costs of my courses and training vary, as they are always tailored to your needs. I want to ensure that you receive exactly what you need to achieve your goals, so I can only provide a specific price after a detailed discussion. However, you can be assured that I offer fair and competitive prices. Just send me a message or call me to get more information and receive a personalized quote. I look forward to working with you and helping you in your personal development!
  • What is the "AI-Manager" course?
    The "AI-Manager" course is a comprehensive training program aimed at equipping professionals and interested individuals with the skills to implement and use artificial intelligence (AI) in organizations. The course covers all important aspects, from the fundamentals of AI, machine learning, and data analysis to project management and ethical considerations.
  • How long is the course?
    The course extends over a suitable period to ensure that all important topics are thoroughly covered. Unlike other offers that conclude the course in a few days or weeks, this course provides solid training that lasts several months, generally around 3 months, depending on school holidays.
  • What topics are covered in the course?
    The course covers a variety of topics, including the history of AI, machine learning methods, data analysis, the use of AI software, TinyML, use cases, project management, bias in AI, ethics and rights in AI, as well as Prompting.
  • What are the advantages of taking this course with you?
    As an experienced AI expert, AI Manager, IBM Advanced Machine Learning Specialist, instructor, and author of the books "AI-Manager" and "IA el libro", I offer a unique combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Students benefit from specially designed tasks and receive personalized support throughout the course.
  • How practical is the course?
    The course places great emphasis on practice. Students work on real projects and case studies and must develop and present their own AI project at the end of the course.
  • What certificates do graduates receive?
    After completing the course, students receive a certificate detailing their achievements and the topics covered. This ensures they are well-prepared to lead AI projects in practice.
  • Why is a longer course duration important?
    A longer course duration allows for thorough and deep coverage of complex AI topics. It ensures that students not only acquire superficial knowledge but also gain deep and relevant skills that they can successfully use in their career as an AI Manager.
  • How can I enroll in the course?
    You can easily enroll through our website. There you will find all the necessary information and can register directly to secure a place in the next course. Don't miss the opportunity to become a leading expert in the field of artificial intelligence.
  • What is the "AI User" course?
    The "AI User" course is a program specifically developed for individuals and companies who want to gain an initial insight into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is aimed at beginners without prior knowledge, as well as those who want to learn how to effectively use AI tools and integrate them into their daily workflow. The course provides basic knowledge about AI and its practical applications.
  • How long is the course?
    The course lasts two weeks and is designed intensively to provide practical knowledge and skills in a short period of time.
  • What topics are covered in the course?
    The course covers a variety of topics, including an introduction to AI, the fundamentals of machine learning, data understanding and acquisition, the strengths and weaknesses of AI, practical use cases, ethical and legal aspects of AI, the use of AI tools such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, Recraft, and Suno, as well as prompt writing and communication with AI systems. Additionally, there are individualized advisory sessions.
  • What are the advantages of taking this course with you?
    As an experienced AI expert, AI Manager, IBM Advanced Machine Learning Specialist, instructor, and author of the books "IA-Manager: The AI Project Manager's Handbook" and "IA el libro", I offer a unique combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Students benefit from specially developed tasks and receive personalized support throughout the course.
  • How practical is the course?
    The course is highly practical and places great emphasis on applying the learned knowledge in real-world scenarios. Participants work with current AI tools and undertake projects tailored to their professional needs. This promotes active learning and direct application of theoretical content.
  • What certificates do graduates receive?
    Upon completing the course, graduates receive a certificate of participation, which on a separate page lists the topics covered in the course and the grade obtained in a final exam.
  • Why is a longer course duration important?
    The 2-week course duration is important to provide participants with an intensive and focused learning environment. In this compact time frame, participants can delve deeply into the subject matter without being distracted by other obligations. The short duration allows for efficient knowledge transfer and practical application within a manageable period.
  • How can I enroll in the course?
    You can easily enroll on our website. There you will find all the necessary information and can register directly to secure a place in the next course. Don't miss the opportunity to become a leading expert in the field of artificial intelligence. I look forward to welcoming you to the "AI User" course.
  • What is the "Prompting" course?
    The "Prompting" course is a specialized course that focuses on the art and science of creating effective prompts for AI models. It is aimed at participants who want to learn how to create precise and contextual instructions to obtain optimal results from AI systems.
  • How long is the course?
    The course lasts 12 hours. It is generally offered over a weekend, but it can also be conducted during the week upon consultation.
  • What topics are covered in the course?
    The course covers various topics, including: introduction to the concept of prompting and prompt definition, components of an effective prompt such as clarity, precision, context, and creativity, prompting techniques including prompt engineering, chain-of-thought prompting, and few-shot and zero-shot learning, prompt optimization and the process of continuous improvement, ethical and cultural aspects of prompting, practical use cases and applications, tools, and resources to support prompting.
  • What are the benefits of taking this course with you?
    As an experienced AI expert, AI Manager, IBM Advanced Machine Learning Specialist, instructor, and author of the books "AI-Manager" and "IA el libro", I offer a unique combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Students benefit from specially designed tasks and receive personalized support throughout the course.
  • How practical is the course?
    The course is highly practical and places great emphasis on applying the learned knowledge in real-world scenarios. Participants work on concrete examples and projects to develop and enhance their prompting skills.
  • What certificates do graduates receive?
    Upon completing the course, participants receive a certificate of attendance that confirms their participation.
  • Why is a 12-hour course duration important?
    A 12-hour course duration allows for intense and focused interaction with the course content. This compact timeframe ensures that participants have enough time to understand and apply the concepts without the course becoming overly extensive.
  • How can I enroll in the course?
    You can easily enroll through our website. There you will find all the necessary information and can register directly to secure your place in the next course. Don't miss the opportunity to become a leading expert in the field of artificial intelligence. I look forward to welcoming you to the "Prompting" course.

I hope that these frequently asked questions have answered your queries. If you have any more questions or need further information about my services, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here to assist you in driving the growth of your business.